How the Twitter Algorithm Works?

Twitter algorithm explained


We live in the Digital age, and social media and social networks are essential parts of this world. Millions of users use social networks like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, etc. Some of these users are successful on social networks and have many followers. But how can they get followers? The answer is: By knowing the Algorithm. Every social network has an Algorithm, and this Algorithm could be different from others. In this article from Twilinstok, we want to show you How the Twitter Algorithm Works? Stay with us.

What is Twitter Algorithm?

Algorithms are like a program that learns over time and grows it-self; somehow, it’s like AI. Twitter has multiple Algorithms that help users see the most relevant posts and show interesting content based on users’ interests. Twitter Algorithm is different from other social network algorithms because, on Facebook or Instagram, the posts are shown by the time order, then by relevance, but on Twitter, every user post multiple Tweets each day, and there are many tweets to show; so the Twitter decided to use a different Algorithm, that sort Tweets by its relevance first, then sort it by time and many other filters. Users who know Twitter Algorithm and use it are more successful than others. The whole point of creating and using an Algorithm is to create a better user experience; in other words, the Twitter Algorithm tries to know users’ behaviors and habits to show them the most relevant and interesting tweets. Also, this Algorithm ranks the tweets, and every tweet with a higher rank is shown earlier. So, to get more followers and become an influencer, you must know the Twitter Algorithm and use it to increase your Tweet’s rank.

How does the Twitter Algorithm work?

The Twitter Algorithm has multiple factors to rank tweets and show them to other users; in this part of the article, we want to introduce you to these factors and check them together. Twitter Algorithm’s factors are:

  • Followers and Following
  • Liked tweets
  • Engagement
  • Impression
  • Hashtag
  • Followed Topics
  • Post time
  • Content

Now let’s check these factors.

Picture 01 – Twitter Algorithm’s Factors
Picture 01 – Twitter Algorithm’s Factors

Followers and Following

It is matter whom you follow or who follows you; if you tweet about a specific field or subject, it’s better to follow the relevant type of accounts on Twitter. For example, if you tweet comedy, better to follow other comedy accounts, or if you tweet about technology, it’s better to follow the accounts that tweet about similar subjects. By following relevant accounts, your account will grow faster and get more engagement and impressions, which will help your tweets get a higher rank on Twitter Timeline.

Liked tweets

If you like a tweet, Twitter Algorithm thinks you really like that tweet and will show you similar tweets to you, so it’s important which tweets you like. To get a higher rank on Twitter Timeline, you should like relevant tweets to your account; for example, if you tweet about technology, it’s better to like the tweets about this subject. With this action, your tweets about technology show earlier than others and get more engagement.


One of the other important factors in the Twitter Algorithm is Account Engagement. As you get more engagement, Twitter Algorithm detects your account as a popular account and shows your content and tweets to more people. In other words, increasing your account engagement will increase your tweet’s rank and show earlier on users’ Twitter timelines. But how can you increase your account engagement?

To increase account engagement, there are some simple tips that you should know:

  • Start relevant conversations.
  • Participate in relevant discussions.
  • Retweet or quote relevant tweets.
  • Answer to mentions properly.
  • Use relevant and Trend Hashtags.
  • Create Hashtag.
  • Follow similar accounts.
  • Get help from influencers.
  • Share your tweets on different social networks.
  • Post relevant media content.

By using these tips, you can increase your Twitter Engagement and get a higher rank on Twitter Timeline and your tweets offer to other users.


As you get more engagement, your Impression will also increase; as you get more impressions, Twitter Algorithm thinks your account is popular and will show your tweets to more users. How can I increase my Twitter impression? By using mentioned tips and increasing your Twitter activity, your Twitter Account Impression will grow naturally.


Hashtags are an essential part of the social network and connect unknown users. Using proper and relevant Hashtags is necessary to increase your tweet rank. Apart from using relevant hashtags, creating a Hashtag is also very important. Many influencers have Hashtags that help users to find their tweets, participate in conversations and get more engagement, which allows influencers to get a higher rank on Twitter Timeline. If you are interested in Hashtag, recommend you to read the article How To Trend On Twitter Quickly? [+] article.

Followed Topics

The Topics you have followed on Twitter are another important factor in checking and validating your Twitter rank by Twitter Algorithm.  If you want to become an influencer or popular on Twitter, you should pay attention to your following topics and follow the relevant topics to your account. This action will prevent your account from being validated as spam by Twitter Algorithm and helps you increase your account engagement and impression.

Post time

You should know when to post your tweets and content for maximum impression and engagement. The best time to post tweets is when most of your followers are active; it can be the period of day or night. Be careful, don’t post your tweets by a specific time because this action will cause Twitter Algorithm to recognize your account as a Robot or Spam; instead, post your tweets at a particular period when most of your followers are active on Twitter.

Picture 02 – The best time to post a Tweet
Picture 02 – The best time to post a Tweet


Fresh and Interesting content always attract other users to your account. To get a higher rank on Twitter Timeline and Twitter Algorithm, post new and relevant content on your Twitter Account and don’t copy other users’ content. If you copy content and post it on your account, Twitter Algorithm validates your account as Spam; this action decreases your rank by Twitter Algorithm.

Twitter Algorithm checks mentioned factors to validate your account and introduce it to others or show you relevant tweets and accounts; if you pay attention to mentioned factors and tips that said, you can beat Twitter Algorithm and get success on Twitter.

Tip: Fake and Spam accounts have a destructive effect on your account rank, so be careful about whom you follow or who follows you. Never buy or add fake accounts to your Twitter account because Twitter Algorithm will also recognize and validate your account as spam.

As you know, Twitter has a system called Twitter Timeline, which works by Twitter Timeline Ranking Signal Algorithm; this system determines which tweets show on users’ timelines.

Twitter Timeline Ranking Signal works with Twitter Algorithm, and if you want to get successful on Twitter, you should know How Twitter Timeline Ranking Signal works. Let’s check this system.

How does Twitter Timeline Ranking Signal work?

Up to this part of the article, we learned what Twitter Algorithm is and how it works; also, now we know how to beat this Algorithm. Through this part of the article, we will learn how Twitter Timeline Ranking Signal works. As mentioned earlier, Twitter Timeline Ranking Signal is a system that works alongside different Twitter Algorithms and validates your tweet’s rank by other factors. Also, this system determines which tweets show to users. If you pay attention to this system’s ranking factors, you can get more engagement and impressions, which will increase your account rank on Twitter Algorithm. The most important factors in Twitter Timeline Ranking Signal system are:

  • Recency
  • Relevance
  • Engagement
  • Share
  • Location
  • Verification

The first factor in this system is recency; it means the new tweets will show earlier and higher than other ones. It’s better to post daily at the specific period of the day when most of your followers are active on Twitter. The second factor is Relevance; we mentioned several times that you should tweet relevant content on your account, also follow relevant accounts and topics; this relevancy helps Twitter Algorithm validate your account as an important and popular account, which causes Twitter Timeline Ranking System also increase your tweet’s rank and show it to other users.

As your account has more engagement, your tweets get a higher rank on Twitter Timeline Ranking Signal system. There are multiple ways to get more followers on Twitter, which you can learn these ways by reading this article:

As you get more followers on Twitter, your tweets will share more, even shared on other platforms. One of the other important factors of the Twitter Timeline Ranking Signal system is the Verification tick or Twitter Verification tick; nowadays, you can get this verification tick by buying Twitter Blue. Briefly, Twitter Blue is a new feature that gives users a verification Twitter tick and also provides new features to them. If you are interested in Twitter Blue, better to read What Is Twitter Blue? How To Get It? [+].

Final Words

Every social network has its Algorithm to validate and rank the users and content; if you want to achieve success on a social network, you should know how its algorithm works and how you can beat it. In this article from Twilinstok Online Magazine, we learn what the Twitter Algorithm is and how it works. Hope you enjoyed this article and got valuable information.

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