How to make a great & successful Instagram page?

how to make a good Instagram page?


It really doesn’t need to be said what Instagram is and what difference it has made in the world of communication. There is no one on this earth who does not know how popular Instagram is these days. As if Instagram has become the favorite of all those who use the digital space. Of course, knowing that such days were coming, was not so far-fetched and unlikely.

From the first day that this application started work, it could be guessed that it was going to win everyone’s heart and find a lot of fans. With the features and capabilities that Instagram has, it was clear that this program would soon become popular and become a fierce competitor to other social networks.

Instagram is good for both spending time and having fun, as well as making money and doing business. It means that the person who installs Instagram on his phone is actually killing two birds with one stone. If you want to know how to make a good Instagram page, you must know that such a thing is not as easy as it seems. That is, it’s not like as soon as you install Instagram and create an account on this social media, you will earn a lot of money instantly, or everyone will know you, or, for example, you will get a lot of friends. No. It’s not like that. It’s a bitter truth that you must be aware of.

You on Instagram are like a drop in the ocean. Because the number of people who use Instagram and want to be seen on this platform is very high and it makes your job difficult. But nothing is impossible. If you really want to get somewhere on Instagram, like make money or become famous, first of all, you need to learn the basics of having a successful page on Instagram. If you don’t know these basics, don’t worry because in this article from Twilinstok website, we teach all of them in simple words. Stay with us for the rest of this article, to learn everything you need to know about how to have a successful Instagram page.

How do you succeed on Instagram?

What do you think successful Instagram pages are doing? How come some pages attract more followers every day than before? Having a successful page on Instagram means that your number of followers will increase every day, that more people will know you in the digital world, or, for example, if you have a business page, you will be able to attract more customers and so make more money.

How to be successful on Instagram
Fig 1- How to be successful on Instagram

If you want to have a successful Instagram page and achieve your goals but you haven’t achieved them yet, I must say that the key to this locked door is in your own hands. Maybe you have spent a lot of time and energy on your page so far, but it was all in vain. I suggest you learn the points that we mention below and from now on try intelligently to gradually realize the effect of these golden points and benefit from them.

Point 1: Don’t underestimate the importance of an attractive bio on your Instagram page

First of all, you should write a good bio on your Instagram page because the bio is very visible and has a great impact on the audience’s perception of you and your page. A good bio should tell other users who you are, what you do on your page and what your purpose is for creating your page.

If you don’t have a decent bio that fully introduces you, it’s very unlikely that others will decide to follow you. You can even put your website link next to the call to action in the bio so that anyone who wants to buy from you can act very quickly.

If you have no idea how to write an attractive bio on Instagram, you can write a professional bio for your Instagram page with the help of the tutorial articles on Twilinstok website.

Point 2: Be professional by following the habits of successful content creators

Now that you have written an attractive and appropriate bio for your page, it is time to think deeply about the content of your page. If your content is boring and too long, your audience will leave your page. If your content is repetitive and you copy it from other pages, you still cannot attract a new audience, which, of course, is also obvious. Why should users follow a page whose content is long, boring and copies of other pages? Well, everyone is looking for special and attractive pages that are different from other pages and use new and creative ideas in their content production. If you don’t have such a page, then don’t expect to be successful on Instagram.

Point 3: Do not neglect to use effective hashtags on Instagram

Many of those who want to have a successful page on Instagram make small mistakes that stop them from making a successful Instagram page. One of these small mistakes, which ironically is not small at all, is forgetting hashtags. If you ignore hashtags and ignore their power on Instagram, your page will fail very soon.

You must use famous hashtags in the captions of your posts that are related to the content of your page. Of course, never sacrifice quantity for quality. That is, many people think that they should use any irrelevant hashtag that is popular under the caption of their posts in order to be seen more. But such work is very difficult. You don’t have to write every hashtag you can think of, just add a few hashtags that work for you and attract target audiences who don’t have your page. That way, anyone who needs your content just needs to search for the relevant hashtag and find you.

Point 4: Use Instagram stories effectively to make your business successful

No one can deny the importance and impact of Instagram stories. Posting a story on Instagram can help a lot to increase the engagement rate of your page. If you want to have a successful page on Instagram, you need to publish interesting stories every day. Because if someone has followed you, they will watch all of them because of the interesting stories you post. As a result, the views of your stories will increase and more interaction will occur on your page. Even if no one follows you, if they check your page a few times and see what interesting stories you post, they will definitely be attracted to your page and follow you.

Take publishing Instagram stories seriously
Fig 2- Take publishing Instagram stories seriously.

In addition to the above-mentioned information about the impact of Instagram stories, Instagram has many attractive features for its story capability that you can use to improve your page and increase your followers. For example, you can story songs and motivational texts, or if you have a website, story its link to generate more traffic on your website, or, for example, conduct a survey to find out what your audience is most interested in and needs. If you find out what your followers expect from you and your page, you are almost halfway to being successful on Instagram.

Point 5: Take advantage of Instagram story highlights

One of the attractions of Instagram is the ability to highlight stories in the profile. Highlighting stories will help your page to promote a lot. Because when someone enters your page for the first time, they will definitely take a look at your highlights to see what you share on your page. If he likes your page after seeing the highlights, the probability that he will follow your page and even introduce it to others is very high.

You may ask yourself what stories you should highlight so that your page can be seen and attract more audiences. Well, it depends on your account type. If you have a business account, it is better to highlight product information, their prices, customer satisfaction and frequently asked questions. But if your page is not a business, you can introduce yourself and add your biography to the highlights of your page, or highlight special and important moments that may be attractive to others in your profile.

Point 6: Use the power of influencers and bloggers to promote your Instagram page

Another thing that makes your page successful and helps you to go through the steps of promotion one after another is advertising and promoting your account. There are different ways to promote your page. For example, advertise your page on other social networks such as Telegram. But there are better ways to be seen on Instagram.

One of the ways that is very useful for the Instagram page to become more popular is advertising with the help of influencers. Search well on Instagram and find a successful and popular influencer who has a great impact on his audience. Of course, be aware that this influencer works in a field that is related to you or your business, otherwise there is no point in promoting them.

If you really intend to get help from an influencer for advertising your page, you should consider one thing. Before doing this, you should definitely take a look at your page and check a few things. For example, check and see how many followers you have, how many of your followers like and comment on you, or how many views your stories get. And in general, what is the engagement rate on your page? This information is very important because if these numbers are too low, it is still too early for such big and expensive advertising. You must first work on your page and get it somewhere. That is, post good content to attract more Instagram users, increase the level of interaction of your page by holding contests and live events, and attract more followers with the help of small and low-cost advertisements. When your page is seen a little, it’s time to work with influencers and you can safely spend money on advertising.

Point 7: Don’t forget to go live on Instagram to attract more followers

If you are smart enough, you can have proper interaction with your followers and attract new audiences by going live on your Instagram account. That means you can kill two birds with one stone. Of course, I need to warn you about an important point. Going live on your Instagram with no purpose will not help you and your page. Because no one wants to spend his/her valuable time on pointless live shows. So, before you go live, sit down and think to yourself what exactly you want to say that is worth taking other people’s time, what do you have to say so that your followers will accompany you until the end of your Instagram live.

After you’ve prepared your talk, it’s time to advertise the live that you are going to present. If you want your audience to definitely watch your live, you should announce the exact time and day of the live several times in your posts and stories and encourage your followers not to miss that live. The live you hold must start on time, be attractive and interesting, have important words in it, and not be too long so that others don’t get bored.

As we emphasized before, your live should have valuable content. For example, you can unveil a new product in it, or answer frequently asked questions. These actions will make your followers get to know you or your business better and feel good about your page.

Point 8: Establish a warm and friendly relationship with your audience

No matter how great and perfect everything is on your page, if you don’t have a warm and friendly attitude towards your followers, your work will remain low and your chances of success will be close to zero. Nothing compares to sincere behavior from the owner of the page. If you behave in a cold and unfriendly way, not only will you not attract new audiences, but you will slowly drive away the same followers you have. Because others may think that there is a robot sitting behind your account that has no sign of being human. Of course, they are right. Why should others trust a page that doesn’t communicate with its audience?

No matter how much you try to ignore this matter, it is useless. You have to accept that the success rate of you and your page on Instagram is largely dependent on how you treat your audience. If you do not know how to properly communicate with your audience, it is better to do the following:

  1. Like the comments others leave under your posts.
  2. Reply to comments and directs as much as you can.
  3. In stories, conduct polls and ask their opinion on small and big issues related to your page or business.
  4. Follow related pages and like their posts.
  5. Hold Instagram Lives and talk to your followers, ask their opinion about your page and products.
  6. If you have a business page, make videos of your business and the way your products are created.

The things we mentioned above are just a few things that can help you build better and more effective relationships with your audience and have a more successful page.

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In the end…

Instagram is one of the biggest platforms these days where many people want to be seen and achieve their goals through it. If you also want to have a successful page, it is better to read the above article carefully. In this article, we tried to teach you everything you need to make your successful page on Instagram. Do you know any other points that are helpful in achieving success on Instagram? What other ways do you know to increase the number of comments and interaction on your Instagram business page? We would be more than happy if you shared them with us. Please give this article 5 stars if you wish. If you have any questions, ask us in the comments section.

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