Why LinkedIn is so slow?

  • Posted In: LinkedIn help forum

    • Guest

      Hi everyone
      It’s been a week that my LinkedIn Android app has slowed down a lot and this issue is bothering me.
      Does anyone know how to solve this problem?

    • Guest

      Hi Tamina,

      It depends on many factors. Sometimes the problem is LinkedIn at all. On most occasions, the problem is because of unstable network connections or third-party software that affects the performance of your browser. But, other factors like problematic servers, corrupted browsing data, browser extensions should also be considered when addressing this problem. If you know somebody else who also has a LinkedIn account, you can ask her or him to check the website. If she or he was also experiencing the same problem, then you can conclude that the problem is with the LinkedIn website with more certainty.

    • Guest

      Hi Tamina, The first simple solution is to uninstall the linkedin app on your phone and clear its cash, then reinstall it. In many cases this works. I hope it does in your case too.

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